This article was about a scientist named Stice who has created a device from stem cells that allows for a reading that detects any chemicals in the air. This could be a very useful item, in preventing chemical poisoning, and chemical warfare. However, it is stated to be controversial in terms of where they recieve the stem cells from: "naturally dead embryos." Despite this, Stice seems to be a reliable scientist in terms of the success of his experiments.
Stem cell research is: what tissues you can make with stem cells and what you can cure with them.
How would these chemical detecting devices affect your life? They would really prevent some dangers of the world, such as if there was an accident at a nuclear plant, the device would keep you from getting radiation poisoning by warning you ahead of time. Therefore, at least some of the risks of death in society could be reduced. The same thing goes for chemical warfare; surviving war by avoiding chemicals leads to the possible winning of more wards, which leads to a change in the government/society, which could affect my life. Possibly.
Are these devices ethical? I believe so, in terms of causing no physical pain to anyone. The only controversial thing about them is the fact that they are using "naturally dead embryos," which means that they are using embyros that are 'too deficient to produce a fetus if implanted,' as stated in the article. Personally, I think they're A-okay, especially since they would be preventing people from dying of chemical poisoning, which is something I think is really sad.
How do you think these devices work? I'm not too sure, but it must be something related to reading the cells' reactions to chemicals present in the air. I have no clue how they can 'read' the cells' reactions, but it makes sense that the cells would react to chemicals since they react if they're in your body. The cells must do something certain, send out a certain nerve impulse or something that allows for the device to detect something chemical in the air.
What are some ways that these device can be used? In wars for things like tear gas, in homes for things like chemical poisoning in the air, or for countries with little/no defense against airborne chemicals. Basically it has many different uses. It could even be used in a nuclear powerplant to prevent spills/leaks, at least somewhat.