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Monday, January 28, 2008
Medical Terms Lecture
Common Prefixes
Ab – away from
Ad – towards
Endo – inside
Hydro – water
Micro – small
Neo – new
Peri – around
Omni – all
Trans – across
Hyper – above normal
Mal – bad
Anti – against
Poly – many
Myo – muscle
Common Roots
Nephro – kidney
Hepato – liver
Pulmo – lung
Cardio – heart
Cyto – cell
Rhino – nose
Naso – nose
Ped – foot
Digi – fingers, toes
Man – hand
Derm – skin
Costo – rib
Carp – wrist
Cervic – neck
Arthro – joint
Vena – vein
Gastro – stomach
Common Suffixes
Ase – enzyme
Oma – tumor
Genesis – beginning
Oid – like
It is – inflammation
Philia – love of
Phobia – fear of
Ab – away from
Ad – towards
Endo – inside
Hydro – water
Micro – small
Neo – new
Peri – around
Omni – all
Trans – across
Hyper – above normal
Mal – bad
Anti – against
Poly – many
Myo – muscle
Common Roots
Nephro – kidney
Hepato – liver
Pulmo – lung
Cardio – heart
Cyto – cell
Rhino – nose
Naso – nose
Ped – foot
Digi – fingers, toes
Man – hand
Derm – skin
Costo – rib
Carp – wrist
Cervic – neck
Arthro – joint
Vena – vein
Gastro – stomach
Common Suffixes
Ase – enzyme
Oma – tumor
Genesis – beginning
Oid – like
It is – inflammation
Philia – love of
Phobia – fear of
Cavities Lecture
Two main cavities in the body: dorsal and ventral.
Dorsal cavity: on the back side.
-Cranial cavity: your skull
-Spinal cavity: along the back and contains the spinal cord
Ventral Cavity: on the front side
-Thoracic cavity: in the thorax or chest
-Pleural cavity: area that contains the lungs
-Pericardial cavity: area that contains the heart
-Abdominopelvic cavity: around the abdomen and pelvis
-Abdominal cavity: contains the majority of the vicera (stomach, intestines, etc.)
-Pelvic cavity: contains the internal reproductive organs, bladder, and rectum
Two main cavities in the body: dorsal and ventral.
Dorsal cavity: on the back side.
-Cranial cavity: your skull
-Spinal cavity: along the back and contains the spinal cord
Ventral Cavity: on the front side
-Thoracic cavity: in the thorax or chest
-Pleural cavity: area that contains the lungs
-Pericardial cavity: area that contains the heart
-Abdominopelvic cavity: around the abdomen and pelvis
-Abdominal cavity: contains the majority of the vicera (stomach, intestines, etc.)
-Pelvic cavity: contains the internal reproductive organs, bladder, and rectum
Drills on Diction Worksheet
Root/Meaning: Adip/Fat
Term: Adipose
Definition: Fat stored in the fatty tissue of animals.
Sentence: Whales have lots of adipose to keep them warm.
Root/Meaning: Bio/Life
Term: Biopsy
Definition: Removing a sample of tissue from an organism for diagnostic evaluation.
Sentence: The doctors performed a biopsy on Anna to see if her stomach tissue was infected.
Root/Meaning: Capit/Head
Term: Decapitate
Definition: To cut off someone’s head.
Sentence: "Off with her head!" screamed the Queen of Hearts. Alice was quite terrified at the thought of being decapitated.
Root/Meaning: Cephal/Head
Term: Cephalad
Definition: Toward the head or anterior.
Sentence: On a human body, the chest could be referred to as cephalad.
Root/Meaning: Corp/Body
Term: Corpus
Definition: A part of the body with a specific function.
Sentence: Many parts of the body are called corpus, such as your heart or liver.
Root/Meaning: Crani/Skull
Term: Cranium
Definition: The part of the skull that encases the brain.
Sentence: To crack your cranium would be a very painful experience.
Root/Meaning: Dent/Tooth
Term: Dental
Definition: Of or pertaining to the teeth.
Sentence: I was having some pain in my teeth, so I went in to get some dental work done.
Root/Meaning: Hist/Tissue
Term: Histology
Definition: A branch of biology that studies tissue.
Sentence: If you have a question about bodily tissues, would you ask a biologist or a histologist?
Root/Meaning: Later/Side
Term: Lateral
Definition: to the side
Sentence: Lateral to Missy was a small blue cat.
Root/Meaning: Ocul/Eye
Term: Oculist
Definition: A doctor who treats eyes/diseases of the eye.
Sentence: Sammie had a strange eye infection, so she went to an oculist to find out what the problem was.
Root/Meaning: Oste/Bone
Term: Osteoblast
Definition: A cell growing inside a fetus that will eventually turn to bone.
Sentence: Since it was still very early in her pregnancy, Lucy’s unborn baby had not yet formed
bone from his osteoblasts.
Root/Meaning: Phag/Eat
Term: Phagocyte
Definition: A type of white blood cell which ingests any type of foreign object in the body.
Sentence: Microscopic fragments of rust were left in Bobby’s arm from his cut, so his body produced many phagocytes to ‘consume’ the rust particles.
Root/Meaning: Pleur/Side
Term: Pleura
Definition: A certain tissue found in the lungs.
Sentence: There are many different kinds of epithelial tissues in the lungs, one of which is a delicate tissue called pleura.
Root/Meaning: Quad/Four
Term: Quadriceps
Definition: The large muscle located in front of your thigh.
Sentence: It’s really painful to pull your quadriceps because it makes if difficult to walk for a few days.
Root/Meaning: Stern/Chest
Term: Sternum
Definition: In vertebrates, the breastbone.
Sentence: When performing CPR, you must be careful not to snap off the xiphoid process, which is located just under the sternum.
Root/Meaning: Ab/Away from
Term: Abduct
Definition: To take away.
Sentence: It is really sad when children are abducted from plain sight, but there is always a chance to rescue them.
Prefix/Meaning: Ad/Toward
Term: Adrenal
Definition: A hormone produced by the adrenal gland that enables higher senses, increased strength and stamina.
Sentence: When you’re scared, your body produces adrenaline from the adrenal gland, which enables you to protect yourself and escape danger quickly.
Prefix/Meaning: Angi/Vessel
Term: Angiosperm
Definition: A flowering plant.
Sentence: Roses, daffodils, and sunflowers are all types of angiosperms.
Prefix/Meaning: Auto/Self
Term: Autograft
Definition: Removing tissue from a part of the body to replace damaged or missing tissue from another part of the body.
Sentence: Jordan’s leg had been severely burnt, so the doctors performed an autograft in order to restore his skin tissue.
Prefix/Meaning: Centi/Hundred
Term: Centimeter
Definition: 1/100 of a meter.
Sentence: A penny is about 5 centimeters wide.
Prefix/Meaning: Circum/Around
Term: Circumflex
Definition: Curving around.
Sentence: There are many blood vessels in your body that are circumflexed.
Prefix/Meaning: Dextro/Right
Term: Dextrad
Definition: Toward the right side.
Sentence: The building was dextrad to me. (?)
Prefix/Meaning: Epi/Upon
Term: Epigastric
Definition: The anterior walls of the abdomen.
Sentence: It would really hurt to be kicked in the epigastric area of your abdomen… but it would hurt to be kicked anywhere.
Prefix/Meaning: Ex/Out of
Term: Excision
Definition: To remove.
Sentence: The doctors worked hard to excise the bullets from the man’s leg.
Prefix/Meaning: Inter/Between
Term: Internal
Definition: Inside
Sentence: Internal bleeding is life-threatening.
Prefix/Meaning: Non/Not
Term: Nonviable
Definition: Incapable of life or growth.
Sentence: A good example of something nonviable would be a rock.
Prefix/Meaning: Ortho/Straight
Term: Orthopedics
Definition: Medical specialty concerning prevention and correction of skeletal system abnormalities or injuries.
Sentence: My mom’s feet have bone spurs, so she must use orthopedic shoes until she can get surgery.
Prefix/Meaning: Path/Disease
Term: Pathology
Definition: The study of diseases.
Sentence: It must be a risky job to be a pathology scientist.
Prefix/Meaning: Pseudo/False
Term: Pseudopod
Definition: A temporary growth spurt used by some microorganisms that enables locomotion.
Sentence: A pseudopod is the reason that when looking at microscopic organisms, they seem to "shoot" along.
Prefix/Meaning: Sinistro/Left
Term: Sinistrad
Definition: Toward the left side.
Sentence: Sinistrad to Joey’s body laid a broken mirror. He was sure to have bad luck now.
Prefix/Meaning: Cide/Kill
Term: Pesticide
Definition: a drug that kills pests to save crops
Sentence: Pesticides may kill the pests in your crop, but it could poison you or you animals.
Prefix/Meaning: Itis/Inflame
Term: Hepatitis
Definition: Inflammation of the liver.
Sentence: Ben’s father has hepatitis, but luckily, Ben never got it.
Prefix/Meaning: Logy/Study of
Term: Histology
Definition: The study of bodily tissues.
Sentence: In histology, there are many, many types of tissues to understand.
Prefix/Meaning: Meter/Measure
Term: Thermometer
Definition: A device that measures temperature.
Sentence: Billy thought he had a fever, so he used a thermometer to find out for sure.
Prefix/Meaning: Plasty/Formed
Term: Osteoplasty
Definition: Plastic surgery on a bone to restore it from injury or defect.
Sentence: Gary didn’t like his cheekbones being so high, so he got osteoplasty to fix them.
Prefix/Meaning: Scope/Examine
Term: Microscope
Definition: A tool used to see organisms or particles that are microscopic.
Sentence: Amanda used a microscope to determine if a blood sample contained any diseases.
Term: Adipose
Definition: Fat stored in the fatty tissue of animals.
Sentence: Whales have lots of adipose to keep them warm.
Root/Meaning: Bio/Life
Term: Biopsy
Definition: Removing a sample of tissue from an organism for diagnostic evaluation.
Sentence: The doctors performed a biopsy on Anna to see if her stomach tissue was infected.
Root/Meaning: Capit/Head
Term: Decapitate
Definition: To cut off someone’s head.
Sentence: "Off with her head!" screamed the Queen of Hearts. Alice was quite terrified at the thought of being decapitated.
Root/Meaning: Cephal/Head
Term: Cephalad
Definition: Toward the head or anterior.
Sentence: On a human body, the chest could be referred to as cephalad.
Root/Meaning: Corp/Body
Term: Corpus
Definition: A part of the body with a specific function.
Sentence: Many parts of the body are called corpus, such as your heart or liver.
Root/Meaning: Crani/Skull
Term: Cranium
Definition: The part of the skull that encases the brain.
Sentence: To crack your cranium would be a very painful experience.
Root/Meaning: Dent/Tooth
Term: Dental
Definition: Of or pertaining to the teeth.
Sentence: I was having some pain in my teeth, so I went in to get some dental work done.
Root/Meaning: Hist/Tissue
Term: Histology
Definition: A branch of biology that studies tissue.
Sentence: If you have a question about bodily tissues, would you ask a biologist or a histologist?
Root/Meaning: Later/Side
Term: Lateral
Definition: to the side
Sentence: Lateral to Missy was a small blue cat.
Root/Meaning: Ocul/Eye
Term: Oculist
Definition: A doctor who treats eyes/diseases of the eye.
Sentence: Sammie had a strange eye infection, so she went to an oculist to find out what the problem was.
Root/Meaning: Oste/Bone
Term: Osteoblast
Definition: A cell growing inside a fetus that will eventually turn to bone.
Sentence: Since it was still very early in her pregnancy, Lucy’s unborn baby had not yet formed
bone from his osteoblasts.
Root/Meaning: Phag/Eat
Term: Phagocyte
Definition: A type of white blood cell which ingests any type of foreign object in the body.
Sentence: Microscopic fragments of rust were left in Bobby’s arm from his cut, so his body produced many phagocytes to ‘consume’ the rust particles.
Root/Meaning: Pleur/Side
Term: Pleura
Definition: A certain tissue found in the lungs.
Sentence: There are many different kinds of epithelial tissues in the lungs, one of which is a delicate tissue called pleura.
Root/Meaning: Quad/Four
Term: Quadriceps
Definition: The large muscle located in front of your thigh.
Sentence: It’s really painful to pull your quadriceps because it makes if difficult to walk for a few days.
Root/Meaning: Stern/Chest
Term: Sternum
Definition: In vertebrates, the breastbone.
Sentence: When performing CPR, you must be careful not to snap off the xiphoid process, which is located just under the sternum.
Root/Meaning: Ab/Away from
Term: Abduct
Definition: To take away.
Sentence: It is really sad when children are abducted from plain sight, but there is always a chance to rescue them.
Prefix/Meaning: Ad/Toward
Term: Adrenal
Definition: A hormone produced by the adrenal gland that enables higher senses, increased strength and stamina.
Sentence: When you’re scared, your body produces adrenaline from the adrenal gland, which enables you to protect yourself and escape danger quickly.
Prefix/Meaning: Angi/Vessel
Term: Angiosperm
Definition: A flowering plant.
Sentence: Roses, daffodils, and sunflowers are all types of angiosperms.
Prefix/Meaning: Auto/Self
Term: Autograft
Definition: Removing tissue from a part of the body to replace damaged or missing tissue from another part of the body.
Sentence: Jordan’s leg had been severely burnt, so the doctors performed an autograft in order to restore his skin tissue.
Prefix/Meaning: Centi/Hundred
Term: Centimeter
Definition: 1/100 of a meter.
Sentence: A penny is about 5 centimeters wide.
Prefix/Meaning: Circum/Around
Term: Circumflex
Definition: Curving around.
Sentence: There are many blood vessels in your body that are circumflexed.
Prefix/Meaning: Dextro/Right
Term: Dextrad
Definition: Toward the right side.
Sentence: The building was dextrad to me. (?)
Prefix/Meaning: Epi/Upon
Term: Epigastric
Definition: The anterior walls of the abdomen.
Sentence: It would really hurt to be kicked in the epigastric area of your abdomen… but it would hurt to be kicked anywhere.
Prefix/Meaning: Ex/Out of
Term: Excision
Definition: To remove.
Sentence: The doctors worked hard to excise the bullets from the man’s leg.
Prefix/Meaning: Inter/Between
Term: Internal
Definition: Inside
Sentence: Internal bleeding is life-threatening.
Prefix/Meaning: Non/Not
Term: Nonviable
Definition: Incapable of life or growth.
Sentence: A good example of something nonviable would be a rock.
Prefix/Meaning: Ortho/Straight
Term: Orthopedics
Definition: Medical specialty concerning prevention and correction of skeletal system abnormalities or injuries.
Sentence: My mom’s feet have bone spurs, so she must use orthopedic shoes until she can get surgery.
Prefix/Meaning: Path/Disease
Term: Pathology
Definition: The study of diseases.
Sentence: It must be a risky job to be a pathology scientist.
Prefix/Meaning: Pseudo/False
Term: Pseudopod
Definition: A temporary growth spurt used by some microorganisms that enables locomotion.
Sentence: A pseudopod is the reason that when looking at microscopic organisms, they seem to "shoot" along.
Prefix/Meaning: Sinistro/Left
Term: Sinistrad
Definition: Toward the left side.
Sentence: Sinistrad to Joey’s body laid a broken mirror. He was sure to have bad luck now.
Prefix/Meaning: Cide/Kill
Term: Pesticide
Definition: a drug that kills pests to save crops
Sentence: Pesticides may kill the pests in your crop, but it could poison you or you animals.
Prefix/Meaning: Itis/Inflame
Term: Hepatitis
Definition: Inflammation of the liver.
Sentence: Ben’s father has hepatitis, but luckily, Ben never got it.
Prefix/Meaning: Logy/Study of
Term: Histology
Definition: The study of bodily tissues.
Sentence: In histology, there are many, many types of tissues to understand.
Prefix/Meaning: Meter/Measure
Term: Thermometer
Definition: A device that measures temperature.
Sentence: Billy thought he had a fever, so he used a thermometer to find out for sure.
Prefix/Meaning: Plasty/Formed
Term: Osteoplasty
Definition: Plastic surgery on a bone to restore it from injury or defect.
Sentence: Gary didn’t like his cheekbones being so high, so he got osteoplasty to fix them.
Prefix/Meaning: Scope/Examine
Term: Microscope
Definition: A tool used to see organisms or particles that are microscopic.
Sentence: Amanda used a microscope to determine if a blood sample contained any diseases.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Action Figure Labeling Activity

The font came out really small, but basically number 9 is the transverse plane and number 10 is the sagittal plane. :) If you click on the picture it'll get bigger.
1. A point that is superior to the abdomen
2. A point that is inferior to the knee
3. A point that is lateral to the belly button
4. A point that is distal from the elbow
5. The ventral side of the body
6. The anterior side of the body
7. The dorsal side of the body
8. The posterior side of the body
9. The transverse plane
10. The sagittal plane
1. A point that is superior to the abdomen
2. A point that is inferior to the knee
3. A point that is lateral to the belly button
4. A point that is distal from the elbow
5. The ventral side of the body
6. The anterior side of the body
7. The dorsal side of the body
8. The posterior side of the body
9. The transverse plane
10. The sagittal plane
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Introduction to Anatomy - Terms
1. Frontal plane – (Coronal) a division that separates the body into anterior and posterior portions (front and back).
2. Sagittal plane – (median) a lengthwise cut that divides the body into right and left portions.
3. Transverse plane – (horizontal) a cut that divides the body into superior and inferior portions. (top and bottom)
4. Medial – an imaginary line dividing a body into equal left and right portions.
5. Superficial – situated near the surface of the body.
6. Superior – something is above something else, or closer to the head.
7. Inferior – something is below something else, or closer to the feet.
8. Anterior – (ventral) means toward the front.
9. Posterior – (dorsal) means toward the back.
10. Distal – Something is further from the trunk of the body or another specified point than something else.
11. Proximal – something that is closer to the trunk of the body or closer to another specified point than something else.
12. Flexion – Bending parts at a joint so that the angle between them decreases in size. (bending arm at the elbow)
13. Extension – Straightening parts at a joint so that the angle between them expands.
14. Pronation – Turning the hand so the palm is facing down or posteriorly
15. Supine – When the palm is facing upward or anteriorly
16. Abduction – Moving a part away from the midline
17. Adduction – Moving a part toward the midline
18. Circumduction – Moving a part so its end follows a circular path
19. Inversion – Turning the foot so the sole faces medially
20. Eversion - Turning the foot so the sole faces laterally
21. Elevation - Lifting
22. Depression - Lowering
23. Anatomical position – Standing straight up with your arms slightly out and your palms facing away from you
24. Dorsal – pertaining to the back (dorsum)
25. Ventral – pertaining to the abdominal region
26. Interior - inside
27. Exterior - outside
28. Peripheral – near the surface
29. Lateral - external
2. Sagittal plane – (median) a lengthwise cut that divides the body into right and left portions.
3. Transverse plane – (horizontal) a cut that divides the body into superior and inferior portions. (top and bottom)
4. Medial – an imaginary line dividing a body into equal left and right portions.
5. Superficial – situated near the surface of the body.
6. Superior – something is above something else, or closer to the head.
7. Inferior – something is below something else, or closer to the feet.
8. Anterior – (ventral) means toward the front.
9. Posterior – (dorsal) means toward the back.
10. Distal – Something is further from the trunk of the body or another specified point than something else.
11. Proximal – something that is closer to the trunk of the body or closer to another specified point than something else.
12. Flexion – Bending parts at a joint so that the angle between them decreases in size. (bending arm at the elbow)
13. Extension – Straightening parts at a joint so that the angle between them expands.
14. Pronation – Turning the hand so the palm is facing down or posteriorly
15. Supine – When the palm is facing upward or anteriorly
16. Abduction – Moving a part away from the midline
17. Adduction – Moving a part toward the midline
18. Circumduction – Moving a part so its end follows a circular path
19. Inversion – Turning the foot so the sole faces medially
20. Eversion - Turning the foot so the sole faces laterally
21. Elevation - Lifting
22. Depression - Lowering
23. Anatomical position – Standing straight up with your arms slightly out and your palms facing away from you
24. Dorsal – pertaining to the back (dorsum)
25. Ventral – pertaining to the abdominal region
26. Interior - inside
27. Exterior - outside
28. Peripheral – near the surface
29. Lateral - external
Thursday, January 17, 2008
My Answers
1. Favorite color: Blue!!!
2. Siblings: I have one older sister
3. Work: Currently, I do mostly volunteer work at places such as Habitat for Humanity, animal shelters, or other places. :) I also have a job as the Sunday School director at my church.
4. Service Learning: I am doing the art service learning with a cool lady from UGA named Lauren Kucera. Our overall goal is to create lots of art!!
5. Something unique about me: Hm... I have blue hair! That's pretty unique. :D
2. Siblings: I have one older sister
3. Work: Currently, I do mostly volunteer work at places such as Habitat for Humanity, animal shelters, or other places. :) I also have a job as the Sunday School director at my church.
4. Service Learning: I am doing the art service learning with a cool lady from UGA named Lauren Kucera. Our overall goal is to create lots of art!!
5. Something unique about me: Hm... I have blue hair! That's pretty unique. :D
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