Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Answers

1. Favorite color: Blue!!!
2. Siblings: I have one older sister
3. Work: Currently, I do mostly volunteer work at places such as Habitat for Humanity, animal shelters, or other places. :) I also have a job as the Sunday School director at my church.
4. Service Learning: I am doing the art service learning with a cool lady from UGA named Lauren Kucera. Our overall goal is to create lots of art!!
5. Something unique about me: Hm... I have blue hair! That's pretty unique. :D


1 comment:

Duval said...

I am really excited to meet the woman from UGA who is working with you artists. I worked closely with the art group last year and I was supposed to be the teacher to work with you guys again. I don't know if that has changed, but it probably has since I am not there.